Guest Reviews/Contact


Thanks for visiting my profile.

From my profile you can gather that I love to eat out and try different cuisines. Most of the eating out happens at my own expense so if I enjoy the food, then I do make an effort to write a review about the place. 

Saying that, I'm also available for restaurant reviews, social events and product launches subject to time constraints. 

Please feel free to email me with the details. I will try my best to attend and write a review about the place or event, however cannot guarantee one due to availability of time. What I would ensure is a tweet and instagram post, once again only if I feel it deserves a mention.

The most important detail that requires mention here is that my reviews will be based on my personal and honest opinions, will be constructive and include the photos captured by me.

The title of the blog post will also include a disclosure around guest reviews and that they were free.

If you would like to contact me please do so on

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